Our Madrasah

Madrasah Aljunied
Madrasah Aljunied’s was built in 1927. The Madrasah envisions itself to bring forth intuitive scholars who possess the ability to adapt to the modern world...

Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri
Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah was first established in 1947. It offers full-time primary level curriculum and acts as the feeder to the two secondary level madrasahs...

Madrasah Al-Ma’arif
Madrasah Al-Ma’arif was founded in 1936. It is an all-female Madrasah with intakes ranging from Primary to Pre-university levels....

Madrasah Wak Tanjong
Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah was first established in 1958. It offers co-education at primary, secondary and pre-university levels...
“A man giving a dirham as sadaqah (Charity) during his life is better than giving one hundred dirham as charity at the moment of his death”
Where Your Contribution Goes To

Learning & Development

Professional Development

Madrasah Admin & Operations

As the Madrasahs adjust to their new norms and pedagogies of teaching with HBL (home based learning) and safe management measures, teachers and asatizah need to be trained to constantly keep up to deliver quality education. Madrasahs also had to step up their operations by frequently sanitizing the premises, which adds up to their costs to ensure students can remain in school.
We need your continued support, help and doa, so that Madrasahs can continue their noble work to produce generations of resilient and well-educated asatizah to come in Singapore.”
Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir
Mufti, Republic of Singapore
Sources of Funding

Madrasah Operational Needs


Electricity & Water

Repair & Upkeep

School Programs
Madrasah Alumni
Get to know some of our Madrasah Alumni and find out about their contribution to the community.
These 3 outstanding madrasah students were the recipients of the LBKM 2021 Madrasah Award
Excerpted from Berita MediacorpSINGAPORE: Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud (LBKM) says that the...
Masagos puji kohort pertama pelajar IBDP Madrasah Aljunied atas keputusan cemerlang
Mendedahkan para pelajar madrasah kepada mata pelajaran dan bidang ilmu yang luas dan pelbagai adalah sebahagian usaha Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS)
Madrasah Students Recognize Importance of Community Engagement and Giving Back
ENGAGING with the community is important to madrasah students, Nur Herlyn Marsha Nur Hisham, and Najiyyatul Marghfirah Roslan, both students at Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah (MAI).
Nurturing a Love for Islamic Studies: Meet Aariz Anaqi, the Madrasah Student with a Heart for Learning
EVERY DAY after Maghrib prayers, Aariz Anaqi Mohammad Rizalludin, 10, will read the Quran with his...
98.8% of madrasah pupils who took the PSLE were accepted into secondary school.
The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) announced on Wednesday that all but four of the 352 madrasah students who took the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) this year qualified for secondary school (Nov 24).
Madrasah Al-Arabiah Graduate balances Studies and being Imam
Every free time, especially on weekends, Mr Sadiqul Amin Mazlan can be found at Masjid Al-Taqua or Masjid Kassim. There, he will carry out duties as imam, muazzin, part-time teacher or assisting in administrative works.