
Alumnus of Madrasah Aljunied Takes on the Role of Vice Principal

From his experience as an alumnus of Madrasah Aljunied, Ustaz Dr. Afif realized...

Principal of Madrasah Aljunied Has Over 25 Years of Experience in the Education Sector

Mr. Herman believes that graduates of madrasahs in Singapore can contribute to...

Madrasah Students Recognize Importance of Community Engagement and Giving Back

ENGAGING with the community is important to madrasah students, Nur Herlyn Marsha...

Madrasah student scores 9 distinctions for O levels and dreams of becoming a doctor

Mishel Maryam Nasir was ranked No. 1 in her Primary School Leaving Examination...

98.8% of madrasah pupils who took the PSLE were accepted into secondary school.

The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) announced on Wednesday that...

More than 80 madrasah students from low income families receive refurbished laptops

Collaboration between MUIS and the SG Bono volunteer body to make it easier for...

Lebih 80 pelajar madrasah terima komputer riba diperbaharui hasil kerjasama SG Bono dan MUIS

Sebanyak 83 penuntut madrasah daripada keluarga berpendapatan rendah menerima...

Perkukuh perpaduan sosial bermula dari rumah

MENGUKUHKAN perpaduan sosial bermula dari rumah, dengan nilai-nilai yang...

Strengthening Social Cohesion Starts at Home

Strengthening social cohesion starts at home, with values instilled by parents...

Take a course on using online platforms to teach

SINCE July last year, Mr. Del Rasouli Abdul Rashid, a teacher from Madrasah...

Ikuti kursus guna wadah dalam talian untuk mengajar

Encik Del Rasouli Abdul Rashid mengajar subjek Fizik dan teknologi infokom...

Ustazah Sukarti kini masyaikh Pergas, penasihat mapan wanita pertama

Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin, 67 tahun, telah dipilih sebagai masyaikh atau penasihat...

Ustazah Sukarti is now a masyaikh of Pergas, the First established female advisor.

Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin, 67 years old, was elected as a masyaikh or established...

Discussion on Racial Relations Strengthens Citizen Bonds.

DISCUSSIONS on inter-racial relations fueled by several recent racist incidents...

Pelajar madrasah lega, sambut baik peluang dapat vaksinasi

Menerima mesej untuk membuat jangi temu vaksin pada 1 Jun, Muhammad Faeiz Mohd...

Madrasah students are relieved, and they welcome the opportunity to be vaccinated

Muhammad Faeiz Mohd Adzlan, 17, a student of Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah...

Pendidikan kunci daki tangga mobiliti sosial

SEJAK kecil, ibu Cik Nuha Amani Misbahuddin telah menekankan peri pentingnya...

Education is the key to climbing the social mobility ladder

Since she was a child, Nuha Amani Misbahuddin's mother has emphasized on the...

Alumni Madrasah Alsagoff membuka kedai optiknya sendiri di tengah pandemi COVID-19

Pandemik COVID-19 sekarang bukan penghalang bagi Shaikha Zahirah Shaikh Alwie...

Madrasah Alsagoff Alumni opens her own optical shop amid the COVID-19 pandemic

The current COVID-19 pandemic did not hinder Shaikha Zahirah Shaikh Alwie to...

Rising above her challenges: Madrasah student aspires to become asatizah of the future

THIS year, the main focus for Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah’s student...

Rising above her challenges: Madrasah student aspires to become asatizah of the future1

THIS year, the main focus for Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah’s student...

Your Zakat uplifts them to strive for a better future

HURDLES and hardships in life has not stopped Joshua Raqeequl Ilaah Muhammad Nur...

Madrasah Aljunied prepares and distributes porridge for 400 needy households this Ramadan

For the first time, Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah prepares their own bubur...

Your Zakat spurs Madrasah Student to Achieve her best

Nur Wanie Azmi, 15 years old, is a student of Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah and...

100% kohort IBDP pertama Madrasah Aljunied lulus dengan cemerlang

Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah merakamkan satu lagi detik bersejarah...

Masagos puji kohort pertama pelajar IBDP Madrasah Aljunied atas keputusan cemerlang

Mendedahkan para pelajar madrasah kepada mata pelajaran dan bidang ilmu yang...

Kejayaan 25 pelajar Aljunied dalam Diploma IB memberangsangkan: Masagos

Sumber Gambar dari Berita Harian[et_pb_column…...

Madrasah Aljunied catat keputusan memberangsangkan

KUMPULAN pertama seramai 25 pelajar Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah yang menduduki...

Madrasah Alsagoff among 5 schools here that score Apple label

In 2011, Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah embarked on a 1:1 iPad programme. The...
Sadiqul amin-MAI

Madrasah Al-Arabiah Graduate balances Studies and being Imam

Every free time, especially on weekends, Mr Sadiqul Amin Mazlan can be found at...

98.5% of Madrasah Students Moving on to Secondary School

Primary 6 students from Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah (MWTI) are the first...

Madrasah Aljunied the first local madrasah to offer IB Programme

The institution has been accredited for diploma level education since 2018...

Nurturing Future Leaders who will Benefit the Community

Community’s support is crucial in building leaders of tomorrow...

Madrasah help nurture our Future Asatizah

Building future Asatizah will not be possible without the community’s support...

90% of Madrasah Teachers now equipped with Professional Teaching Qualifications

This contributed to success of madrasah students today...

Madrasah bina kemahiran baru agar pelajar sedia hadapi cabaran masa depan

PARA pelajar di madrasah-madrasah sepenuh masa Singapura hari ini berdepan...

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